Atmospheric soundings via balloon launch are few and far between, only normally launching twice per day at 00Z and 12Z. Even if you are interested in a sounding at those times, chances are you aren't close to one, as the spatial coverage of these launches is sparse.
read more…One feature of my python meteorological package pyMeteo is SkewT/LnP plotting from various data formats. These plots can read directly from certain kinds of model input and output data files from command line scripts and from numpy arrays in your python scripts.
read more…In my research endeavors I came across the need to overlay two filled contour plots to combine information with context needed to interpret it. I found some older solutions that were quite complicated but managed to find a much simpler solution.
read more…Welcome to my personal blog where I'll be posting about meteorology, software development, system administration, aviation and whatever else comes to mind. This is also a good excuse to become more familiar with front-end development to fill out my full stack credentials.
read more…@therobdale that's on my list along with a map to plot the airports with available soundings.
5 years, 11 months ago
@Albatrossoar thanks for the report, I'll check that out.
5 years, 11 months ago
@therobdale I'll update the page with details. Data files are all public and can be found at
5 years, 11 months ago